A Beautiful Green Burial

In November 2019 we acted on behalf of Kevin Roy for his wife Kathryn. I went to see Kathryn before she died and we discussed the kind of funeral she wanted. Kathryn was stoical in facing her diagnosis and death and she was quite clear about what she wanted for her funeral.  She had chosen a natural burial at Westhope Green Burial Ground near Craven Arms. Westhope is such a magical place, with its own chapel surrounded by the burial ground - an established orchard where sheep act as ‘lawnmowers’. The custodian Andy Bruce is always happy and helpful. Families are allowed access to the chapel the day before to prepare. Helen Humphrey from Bewdley helped the family to develop their ideas and assemble the autumnal themed floristry which Emma, Kathryn’s daughter and Charlotte, granddaughter decorated the chapel with. The photos below give an idea of the beauty of the day.

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Donations collected in memory of Mark Dennis Tate Renn


Janet Klaar