Christmas and Bereavement

To say Christmas is a really difficult time after loss is a massive understatement. Although we all experience loss differently, some by adapting, adjusting or accommodating or maybe denying what has happened, we all need to do this thing called grief in our own way. It may feel right to carry on as normal, or that may be the last thing in the world you want to do. It is ok to step out of the festivities if you wish, and it’s ok to celebrate the season whole heartedly, drink a toast to the one you have lost, and carry on. Sometimes it’s good to know you are not alone. There are always people who are about to talk to if you feel the need. Call 116 123 (UK)

If after Christmas you feel you need one to one bereavement support Cruse provide this service

Should you be affected by the loss of a loved one over the Christmas period you can rest assured that Mike and Kate at Attwood Funerals will be answering calls and going out to meet families who have just been bereaved. Tel: 01562 632081

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our clients and followers a peaceful Christmas and may 2019 bring any healing you need.

Kate and Mike Spohrer


How far we've come - Attwood Funerals


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